Saturday, November 16, 2019

21.8: "Logic and Proportion Have Fallen Sloppy Dead"

The #42Minutes

After three young women have been found pumped with hallucinogens, raped, and dumped in public places, evidence leads the squad to Dr. Julius Adler, a well-renowned psychiatrist who operates a satellite academic research facility out of a brownstone in the Village. The problem is, what began as a genuine, well-intention-ed, law-abiding career spiraled into a cultish, drug-fueled sex trafficking operation. Rollins, of course, has a connection to Adler and, in the interrogation room, nudges him to a breaking point which may or may not have been a ruse. With him unresponsive at Bellevue, she and Benson take Adler's daughter, Anais, to another psych hospital to see the mother Anais thought was dead.

The Verdict


Maybe I wasn't as drunk as I thought I was Thursday night. Now, on Saturday morning, sober as a judge, I'm still scratching my head trying to process this episode.
Gang's all here. Well, except for Fin. But Garland's daughter is adorable. 

Kansan Meghan Gale (who definitely needs new friends), Jane Doe, and Freja, three initial victims, disappeared, never to be heard from again. Well, at least the writers sent Freja back to Stockholm, but what about Meghan and Jane? Nothing? And I know Adam Arkin was the guest star, but a far more interesting thread would have been that of Anais who is arguably the most fucked up of anyone in that house. My issue with this #42 is that there were so many potential stories to be developed, but none of the guest actors got enough screen time to make me care about them. I also didn't buy the implication that Dr. Adler's inability to fix his wife turned into an obsession which eventually caused him to snap and let his career drift out of the bounds of science and into a criminal enterprise.

I was a bit surprised Kat seemed perfectly fine after Lily's suicide last week. She's settling in, but, in almost every episode, the looks on the faces of her colleagues suggest that her eagerness is going to land her in hot water soon.

Rollins was back to her annoying self in this one. I disagree with Benson's assessment of her blind spot. I don't think she has one when it comes to "men who she thinks are smarter than her." Rollins has a blind spot for people with whom she's had a personal connection or considers to be good. It's more of an ego issue with her, almost like she's saying, This person has earned my approval and admiration, and I cannot possibly be wrong. At the end of the episode I felt like she was still sympathetic toward Adler and disbelieving of the idea that he could possibly be faking the psychotic break. At any rate, she proved that Benson is right to still have some reservations about trusting her. Oh, and, how did Adler know her? Did she send an email about sitting in on the lecture or did Rollins so something silly like sleep with him in Atlanta?


Hello, leather! Benson rocked the burgundy trench and black blazer. You know Tucker has to be drooling when he sees her stroll into the bar or into his apartment dressed in those pieces. Puh-lease, Warren, let this #Tuckson reunion be permanent, in a good way, because my heart cannot take anything else.

Kat's wardrobe is...a little tacky? Like she's not sure how to dress now that she's in the big leagues? The gray plaid suit she wore in this one made me chuckle.


"I'm with Kat." TuTuTamin! But will Fin be "with" her when she fucks up and disobeys the Captain's orders next week?

"I do, Fin, but every time I go out on a limb for you guys, somebody saws it off." Yaaaas, Carisi! I loved this! Tension is brewing for sure, and I'm ready for it to explode. He's worked more or less harmoniously with the squad, but they can't be one, big, happy, justice-seeking family for the whole season. At some point they'll be on different pages, and I'm excited to see it play out. 

"A cello being thrown out of a third story window." What could be more normal for a building associated with a university? 
Sure you didn't inhale, Rollins? Not even a little bit? 

"Aren't you a fish out of water?" Can we please stop writing dialogue that treats Rollins as if she was brought up on another planet? I mean, rural Georgia could certainly qualify, but, trust me, Atlanta isn't freaking Jupiter. 

"And a freak."

"He thinks you're all so covered and armored, you'll never open up." Hmmmm...loaded piece of dialogue here...I hope to see this sentiment unfold during the second half of the season. 

Is It Next Thursday Yet?

Vincent Kartheiser as villain? Yes, please!

Were we promised a cliff? I think we were promised a cliff. I look forward to speculating with y'all for the holidays.

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