Friday, April 26, 2019

20.21: Another Reason to EXCHANGE Showrunners!

The #42Minutes

A taxi driver assaults fifteen-year-old Emilia and, although he is quickly apprehended and arrested, a video on Emilia's phone and her less-than-forthcoming sister Laura lead the squad to a separate investigation which eventually implicates Richard, who has spent a lifetime abusing and pimping out teenage exchange students from around the world.

No Stone...guess Philip's out doing job interviews. Silver lining--he will forever have "I worked with Mariska Hargitay" on his resume.

The Verdict

Run-of-the-mill Season 20 episode. Average. Predictable. Cautious.

The one thing that did bug me the entire time was the amount of freedom Laura and Emilia had despite being under Richard's spell, particularly when Emilia showed up at Benson's apartment late at night. I find it hard to believe Richard or his wife would have allowed her to leave on her own, especially when the investigation into the girls' backgrounds was heating up. And while I'm on the was completely inappropriate for Benson to have Emilia come to her home. I KNOW Benson has heard of coffee shops.

When the episode began, I thought Emilia would be a college kid--her strip poker buddies certainly looked older than 9th or 10th graders. Lazy casting? Also--I would have given everyone a pass on the lack of Italian accents but explaining the American away with "they were in American school" was weak...and also, these people are actors...they can't do an accent?

Mishmash of a few previous #SVU plots--the one with the therapist who convinces girls their father molested them and then one of them kills the Dad? And the tragic effects of the cycle of abuse was hinted at but cut short when Richard flung himself off the balcony...

Even though I stayed interested for the entire 42, the decision to have Laura put her hands all over Richard's chest to calm him down at the hospital was a spoiler I could have picked up even after having several cocktails.


"...por favor..." Rollins struggling with

"I'm Catholic, I always feel guilty." As if we needed yet another reminder about Carisi's faith. Should've left it at him praying the rosary in Unholiest Alliance.

"Home of the sick bastard." I hear they're adding that to the anthem, Fin.


Hair pulled back and caszh Benson. Need I say more? No. Have a pic:

Is it Next Thursday, Yet?

Rollin' down the street smokin' indo...sippin' on gin and juice...laid back...with my mind on my money and my money on my mind...

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