Friday, February 1, 2019

XX.XIII: Céline Says Goodbye (and rubs salt in my Tuckson wounds)


SVU is called to a gruesome murder scene in Hamilton Heights and the victim's daughters said they were being attacked when their father walked in, interrupted the assault, and ended up paying with his life. It doesn't take long for the medical examiner and the detectives to conclude the girls' story doesn't jibe with the evidence, and, as the story and initial untruths unravel (Fin was clutch in catching the spelling error!), it turns out that the all-too-helpful and concerned neighbor Greg is the bad guy.

In other news, Rollins has her baby and there's a much appreciated send off for Dr. Al.


The episode was semi-interesting, but, even so, I'm not confident SVU will ever again attain Leight Years quality. Even when there aren't any maddening WTF moments, the show lacks the pop it used to have. In this particular episode, there weren't very many paths to go down...the perp was either Dad or Greg (one way or another)...and the girls were either psychotic and evil or lashing out as a result of being victimized. Sigh.

And a few other things...

1. The actors didn't match Britney's and Laura's ages. Laura seemed older than Britney but Laura was only 13.

2. Did CSU get the day off? Why is Carisi inspecting the broken window like he's O'Halloran? Wouldn't someone have already alerted them about the impossibility of someone unlatching the window from outside?

3. Rollins' baby and then Al's proposal got in the way of the main plot. The whole baby daddy, posh apartment drama has been annoying, dull, and I sincerely hope that distraction is over.

4. Too many implied (or maybe I inferred) Tuckson references--Benson doesn't have a ring which Tucker was supposed to give her, Carisi stole Tucker's line in a hospital hallway not identical but similar enough to the one in Heartfelt Passages, and Benson sleeping alone on the bench....rather than on Tucker's shoulder. I. Just.....

I did have to laugh at Liv's reaction to Al's proposal...oh, okay, well, let's move, she and Amanda have a much closer relationship now but even OMB has had it with Rollins' rollercoaster of a personal life.

If Stone has to be on the show, I can accept this amount of screen time.


"And the baby." That'll get him every time as any loyal SVU viewer knows. 

"I don't love you." WE ALL KNEW IT, ROLLINS! Good for you. Now, move in with Carisi and move on with your life and get a good nanny because we don't need to see your kids anymore.

"What could possibly go wrong?" I love snarky Benson. 

And these expressions say it all...

Is it Next Wednesday Thursday, Yet?

They aired the perfect teaser because I cannot wait to see how "keep your bleeding heart out of my courtroom" plays out...awww, Stone, you crossed a big fat line there, dude. Put him in his place, OMB!

I live my life constantly worried that "Facing Demons" is the conclusion of "Chasing Demons" and even though it seemed Benson and Cassidy put some (more) closure on their relationship, there's still his abuse and her abortion hanging out there unresolved....can we please be done with this dude on the show? Did he save Dick Wolf's life or something a while back?

Dryuary's over, y'all! Cheers!

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