The Recap:
We enter the episode while Captain Beth Williams, decorated Army Ranger and also the poster child for "Army 2.0," is being toasted at a welcome home party hosted by her fiancee, Mickey. Early the next morning a not-so-rough-on-the-eyes jogger discovers her, raped and beaten in what I'm assuming is Harlem River Park? Fort Tryon Park?
Benson joins Fin at the scene and he informs the Lieutenant of the Ricktim's identity, they discover a backpack with a suspicious wad of bills totaling $5,000, Benson wants to know what she was doing in that neighborhood, and we cut to the hospital where we meet a very innocent and naive-looking Mickey and his doltish friend George. Mickey has no problem giving up his DNA, George alibis him, and SVU launches a more extensive investigation. Benson deals with a not-unfamiliar-to-SVU complication of NYPD vs. the military. Beth-the-warrior is not compatible with OMB-the-justice-seeker, and, no surprise, Captain Williams' account is undone by a couple of videos and a sign-in log. The five grand came from winnings at an illegal fight club, and the Gary guy from the nineteenth century she fingered for the crime obviously didn't do it.
The squad runs into some gentle military obstruction, George caves and tells on his video game buddy (gawwwwwd those two were irritating), TARU tracks, Fin and Olivia conveniently don't have to break the door down, and they find Captain Williams beating the fuck out of Mickey, you go, girl....but hang on a sec...
Ok, WHAT? ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒
Not that I'll ever complain about OMB being front-and-center in an episode, but this was as Benson-centric as they come. I must have dozed off during the part where he reflects on his time as a Ranger. Forgive me for completely misconstruing the case, but, in the end, this was a domestic violence case in which the victim just happened to be a high-profile military officer. The trauma and PTSD and life-altering problems never materialized, but, oops, I forgot, that pesky #42Minutes constraint. Yes, Julie Martin, I will remember that forever.
I really wish I could get a look at these scripts before they're filmed because, well, humor me for a second:
Like last week's episode, this premise had potential. Why couldn't the story have been less about who did it and more about the challenges of Captain Williams' world getting bigger and Mickey's getting smaller? The writers could have explored how exactly things work (and deteriorate) in a relationship when one partner is shattering glass ceilings and the other is relegated to XBOX notoriety. Complicating matters (sorry) could have been Beth's inner struggle with the reality that she was able to complete RANGER SCHOOL but she can't seem to make a long-term relationship work. Had she been a victim of Mickey's abuse before? Was maintaining this pseudo-fairtytale love story just another one of her missions?
In this scenario, as Benson counsels and coaxes Beth to testify, she could also have sweet, but tough, little conversations with Tucker who gives her some loving but honest advice (of course I'm working him into the story!), and then, when she bitched out Beth for attacking her rapist (sorry, OMB, even your cute little ponytail couldn't save ya there), she could have embarked on some serious soul searching and introspection (in Tucker's arms, of course). The scene where she finally convinces Beth to go public could also have included OMB apologizing and admitting she subconsciously and erroneously held Beth to higher standards and that she often holds herself to impossible standards only to realize that, most of the time, those expectations are wildly unfair.
On a lighter note, this would've been a perfect time to explore Tucker's experience with the military because I'm almost positive he's a veteran and it's not just because of the excessive number of flags and other patriotic regalia in his office in Deadly Ambition. Aaaaaactually, wouldn't a cute little TuTucksonOla sesh at the pub have been a nice bonding moment among the three of them? I think so, too. Fic writers, have at it. Actually don't. That one's mine.
But in real life we have another victim who lies, withholds information, and is maybe a little teeny bit unlikable, so, of course, in you-know-who's world, she deserves it. But anyone paying attention this season (which, admittedly, is hard, ahem, HIATUS) should not be surprised.
Oh, and, BARBA, WHEREFORE ART THOU? When Benson started talking about the DA, I was grinning, thinking, YAY! Heeeeeeere comes Raffy and some eye rolls and snark, but...nada. The second episode in a row with very little of the legal side when I would've liked more legal side.
Is it that hard to change those date card things? I never know what to call them, but this episode landed smack dab in the middle of Next Chapter, so Mariska and Bobby, oops, I mean Benson and Tucker were still together so no freaking wonder she was all "this job is my life" and there I go to that mother fucking apartment forehead kiss again, let's get to the drinks, shall we?
Ain't No Party Like An #SVU Party
I seriously did not drink; however, I may have caught a contact buzz via the writers' tweets.
I saw several "props to Mickey" tweets after "real pain for our sham friends" but I rolled my eyes. Sorry. Party pooper, I know. I guess I hated him from the beginning.
Jose-the-early-suspect cracked me up as he spoke to Rollins and Carisi. Of course it was my blood. Yeah I fucking know why. This is why. Whips out phone. Rollins and Carisi whip out their holy fuck faces. By the way people, all of you freaking out about that Twitter pic of the two of them clearly leaning over a body of some sorts...simmer down.
I still don't know what to make of the convo between Benson and Beth in the hospital room. Beth was right, they certainly do see things differently...and I have no clue about how an actual officer with Beth's pedigree would have responded, but it seemed a little off to me...and then OMB makes it her own personal mission to get Beth to see it her way for the rest of the episode. Also, after the Benson browbeating post-Beth-kicking-rapist's-ass, I cannot believe Captain Williams didn't tell her to get the fuck off her base.
"This is a rape investigation. We're beyond privacy."
Rollins' mic drop of the night.
Mission, mission, mission, mission, mission... Benson's mission. Captain Williams' mission(s). In the end they became one in the same, but maybe Beth was just fucking sick of Benson preaching.
Note to self: If ever a costume designer and dressing acting members of the military, consult @LariskaPargitay before ordering ANY FUCKING THING because reading those tweets last night was a pleasant (and informative!) little diversion.
Goddam Benson/Mariska looks fucking good in these episodes. I need to Google how to do my hair in those loose curls but then again I suck at doing hair and I'm not Mariska and oh never mind. I can't even get my ponytail to look that good.
I was intrigued by the royal blue accented blouse with the matching blazer but on second thought it was a little too much which, I suppose, fits the episode.
Fic Writers Could Fill In The Blanks With...
Hell, I don't know anymore. Maybe Benson being so confused about being jostled around time-wise?
Is It Next Wednesday Yet?
I'm starting not to care.
But here's the thing that's really bothering me.
The writers used to have swagger. You could tell. I remember Mariska talking to one of the Today Show people about forgetting lines and screwing up takes and fixing those aberrations with "acting contests" to get everyone back on track.
I could be totally off here, but I picture the old @SVUWritersRoom challenging one another to similar contests---who can blow everyone away with a scene? A sentence? A tiny bit of dialogue that will stick with the audience foreverrrrr? Okay, maybe not forever, but, I tell ya what, some dude who is mildly attractive walks up to me and rasps, "I think you should try the bourbon," my wedding ring is flying off.
I want that swagger back. but as we get deeper and deeper into the season, the finesse with which the writers used to tackle delicate yet necessary subjects seems to continually be off limits. Not that there haven't been imperfect victims before, but the stories were layered and nuanced, relevant and realistic, and allowing the characters to experience them in conjunction with their PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS allowed for an engaged audience to develop an empathy and awareness most television shows never accomplish.
Yeah I'm with ya- I try to stay out of the twitter bashing of my fave show bc it depresses me and I've got enough crap on my plate lately-but saying that I hope they can right the ship so to speak- too many clunkers in this season- they made a big deal about the first time writer -- did she ever watch this show???? Can't wait to tweet next Wednesday CDamagesđź’™