Thursday, February 23, 2017

18.12: No Surrender (and also not much Fin)

The Recap:

We enter the episode while Captain Beth Williams, decorated Army Ranger and also the poster child for "Army 2.0," is being toasted at a welcome home party hosted by her fiancee, Mickey. Early the next morning a not-so-rough-on-the-eyes jogger discovers her, raped and beaten in what I'm assuming is Harlem River Park? Fort Tryon Park?

Benson joins Fin at the scene and he informs the Lieutenant of the Ricktim's identity, they discover a backpack with a suspicious wad of bills totaling $5,000, Benson wants to know what she was doing in that neighborhood, and we cut to the hospital where we meet a very innocent and naive-looking Mickey and his doltish friend George. Mickey has no problem giving up his DNA, George alibis him, and SVU launches a more extensive investigation. Benson deals with a not-unfamiliar-to-SVU complication of NYPD vs. the military. Beth-the-warrior is not compatible with OMB-the-justice-seeker, and, no surprise, Captain Williams' account is undone by a couple of videos and a sign-in log. The five grand came from winnings at an illegal fight club, and the Gary guy from the nineteenth century she fingered for the crime obviously didn't do it.

The squad runs into some gentle military obstruction, George caves and tells on his video game buddy (gawwwwwd those two were irritating), TARU tracks, Fin and Olivia conveniently don't have to break the door down, and they find Captain Williams beating the fuck out of Mickey, you go, girl....but hang on a sec...


Ok, WHAT?     ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒

Not that I'll ever complain about OMB being front-and-center in an episode, but this was as Benson-centric as they come. I must have dozed off during the part where he reflects on his time as a Ranger. Forgive me for completely misconstruing the case, but, in the end, this was a domestic violence case in which the victim just happened to be a high-profile military officer. The trauma and PTSD and life-altering problems never materialized, but, oops, I forgot, that pesky #42Minutes constraint. Yes, Julie Martin, I will remember that forever.

I really wish I could get a look at these scripts before they're filmed because, well, humor me for a second:

Like last week's episode, this premise had potential. Why couldn't the story have been less about who did it and more about the challenges of Captain Williams' world getting bigger and Mickey's getting smaller? The writers could have explored how exactly things work (and deteriorate) in a relationship when one partner is shattering glass ceilings and the other is relegated to XBOX notoriety. Complicating matters (sorry) could have been Beth's inner struggle with the reality that she was able to complete RANGER SCHOOL but she can't seem to make a long-term relationship work. Had she been a victim of Mickey's abuse before? Was maintaining this pseudo-fairtytale love story just another one of her missions?

In this scenario, as Benson counsels and coaxes Beth to testify, she could also have sweet, but tough, little conversations with Tucker who gives her some loving but honest advice (of course I'm working him into the story!), and then, when she bitched out Beth for attacking her rapist (sorry, OMB, even your cute little ponytail couldn't save ya there), she could have embarked on some serious soul searching and introspection (in Tucker's arms, of course). The scene where she finally convinces Beth to go public could also have included OMB apologizing and admitting she subconsciously and erroneously held Beth to higher standards and that she often holds herself to impossible standards only to realize that, most of the time, those expectations are wildly unfair.

On a lighter note, this would've been a perfect time to explore Tucker's experience with the military because I'm almost positive he's a veteran and it's not just because of the excessive number of flags and other patriotic regalia in his office in Deadly Ambition. Aaaaaactually, wouldn't a cute little TuTucksonOla sesh at the pub have been a nice bonding moment among the three of them? I think so, too. Fic writers, have at it. Actually don't. That one's mine.

But in real life we have another victim who lies, withholds information, and is maybe a little teeny bit unlikable, so, of course, in you-know-who's world, she deserves it. But anyone paying attention this season (which, admittedly, is hard, ahem, HIATUS) should not be surprised.

Oh, and, BARBA, WHEREFORE ART THOU? When Benson started talking about the DA, I was grinning, thinking, YAY! Heeeeeeere comes Raffy and some eye rolls and snark, but...nada. The second episode in a row with very little of the legal side when I would've liked more legal side.

Is it that hard to change those date card things? I never know what to call them, but this episode landed smack dab in the middle of Next Chapter, so Mariska and Bobby, oops, I mean Benson and Tucker were still together so no freaking wonder she was all "this job is my life" and there I go to that mother fucking apartment forehead kiss again, let's get to the drinks, shall we?

Ain't No Party Like An #SVU Party

I seriously did not drink; however, I may have caught a contact buzz via the writers' tweets. 


I saw several "props to Mickey" tweets after "real pain for our sham friends" but I rolled my eyes. Sorry. Party pooper, I know. I guess I hated him from the beginning. 

Jose-the-early-suspect cracked me up as he spoke to Rollins and Carisi. Of course it was my blood. Yeah I fucking know why. This is why. Whips out phone. Rollins and Carisi whip out their holy fuck faces. By the way people, all of you freaking out about that Twitter pic of the two of them clearly leaning over a body of some sorts...simmer down.

I still don't know what to make of the convo between Benson and Beth in the hospital room. Beth was right, they certainly do see things differently...and I have no clue about how an actual officer with Beth's pedigree would have responded, but it seemed a little off to me...and then OMB makes it her own personal mission to get Beth to see it her way for the rest of the episode. Also, after the Benson browbeating post-Beth-kicking-rapist's-ass, I cannot believe Captain Williams didn't tell her to get the fuck off her base. 

"This is a rape investigation. We're beyond privacy."
Rollins' mic drop of the night. 

Mission, mission, mission, mission, mission... Benson's mission. Captain Williams' mission(s). In the end they became one in the same, but maybe Beth was just fucking sick of Benson preaching. 


Note to self: If ever a costume designer and dressing acting members of the military, consult @LariskaPargitay before ordering ANY FUCKING THING because reading those tweets last night was a pleasant (and informative!) little diversion.

Goddam Benson/Mariska looks fucking good in these episodes. I need to Google how to do my hair in those loose curls but then again I suck at doing hair and I'm not Mariska and oh never mind. I can't even get my ponytail to look that good.

I was intrigued by the royal blue accented blouse with the matching blazer but on second thought it was a little too much which, I suppose, fits the episode.

Fic Writers Could Fill In The Blanks With...

Hell, I don't know anymore. Maybe Benson being so confused about being jostled around time-wise?

Is It Next Wednesday Yet?

I'm starting not to care. 

But here's the thing that's really bothering me. 

The writers used to have swagger. You could tell. I remember Mariska talking to one of the Today Show people about forgetting lines and screwing up takes and fixing those aberrations with "acting contests" to get everyone back on track. 

I could be totally off here, but I picture the old @SVUWritersRoom challenging one another to similar contests---who can blow everyone away with a scene? A sentence? A tiny bit of dialogue that will stick with the audience foreverrrrr? Okay, maybe not forever, but, I tell ya what, some dude who is mildly attractive walks up to me and rasps, "I think you should try the bourbon," my wedding ring is flying off.

I want that swagger back. but as we get deeper and deeper into the season, the finesse with which the writers used to tackle delicate yet necessary subjects seems to continually be off limits. Not that there haven't been imperfect victims before, but the stories were layered and nuanced, relevant and realistic, and allowing the characters to experience them in conjunction with their PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS allowed for an engaged audience to develop an empathy and awareness most television shows never accomplish.



Saturday, February 18, 2017

18.11: Great Expectations

The Recap:

Whitecaps member Jack Wilson misses a wide open net (which didn't look that wide open, btw but the camera angle was a little weird) and the Whitecaps suffer an uncustomary loss to another team with a seafaring-sounding name (I don't feel like going back and rewatching to find out and it doesn't matter anyway). Afterwards, the team's seething with thirteen-year-old teenage male hyper-masculine angst and for a second it appears the assault is going to happen right there in the middle of everybody, but Kyle Turner steps in and tells the two angry teammates to back off. Later, Jack collapses as he approaches his mother's SUV. We get a cringe worthy shot of his blood-soaked pants (Unorthodox, anyone?) but we all know someone raped him with a hockey stick because...duh. Being thirteen and embarrassed and humiliated, Jack refuses to talk about what happened, but Rollins tricks him into saying it was Kyle, but Kyle turns out not to be the sick sonofabitch we're supposed to think he is because his Dad is the actual sick sonofabitch. Jack dies.

Kyle refuses to incriminate his dad at first. Brother Adam Turner, the only one with a backbone and also a conscience, helps SVU change Kyle's mind by "pushing Jim's buttons" and also surreptitiously recording it which gets Kyle to talk, his mom, Helen, to crack, and Jim's wall of protection to crumble.

Benson bargains with Kyle to talk so the case is sent back to family court so he can do less time because that's what SVU18 is all about. Even though Kyle is thirteen he turns into an adult, making all his legal decisions and setting up his father at the ice rink after which the squad takes Jim Turner into custody.


The following tweets sum up my thoughts, but I'll give it a go anyway.

First of all, as soon as Kyle and his Dad showed up at the hospital, the cat was out of the bag. ANYONE with a modicum of an eye for detail could spot Jim Turner's control over his son, I mean, Kyle's approval-seeking glances at him were enough, Jim didn't even need to snatch the card from Benson. Obviously, something's not right in the Turner family. 

Did Raul Esparza drunk dial Rick and Dick or something? Moon everybody at the Christmas Party? Am I just too difficult to please? Because this was one episode where I would have preferred more courtroom or legal wrangling not just Benson offering the (now requisite) softer deal to the "complicated" perp. Yes, I know, I used THE WORD. My bad.

One of two things is happening: creativity is being stifled or writers are out of ideas. I mean, Kevin Fox, THE Kevin G. Fox of Manhattan Transfer and Unholiest Alliance, and Internal Affairs among others certainly has more ammo in his pen than this predictable script, so I suspect R*&% has 2.0 people on a short leash. Then again, removing all evidence of the characters' personal lives is straitjacket enough I suppose. Oops, I'm sorry, Rollins was allowed to mention Jesse and, on that note...

Carisi, I love you. I really do. But your little lecture to Rollins about it not being easy to be a hero and the mother is a victim too and, okay, we found out your pretty (unscarred) face was once slammed through a plate glass window and you kept your mouth shut and you harbor guilt about the guy your attacker stabbed to death, but ease up on the sanctimony and the preaching, brother. In return, I'll ease up on the run-on sentences.

Aside from Carisi annoying the fuck out of me and the victim/perp (I'll get to that in a second), I did like Benson in this episode. I was ready for her to go off at some point in response at the frustration at having to squeeze information from victims and perps and even doctors throughout the entire episode, but she did it with her customary empathy and coolness, but I would have preferred a scene in which Tucker stops by, she slams the office door, and vents for a few minutes, like dropping f-bombs vents, and then he calms her down, goes to get Noah, and tells her he'll see her at home for dinner.

*yanks self back into fictional television reality...

Tuesday, February 14, in family court was really evil considering last Valentine's Day we also had a tough day in court but it ended with "Wherever you wanna go, you tell me" and ARM GRAB and officially making Collateral Damages one of my favorite episodes of any television show ever.

FINALLY...can we shelve the whole "imperfect perp" twist? First of all, it's no longer a twist. I mean...we've had the terrorist/spousal abuse/rape victim, the sexually reckless but sufferer of untreated bipolar disorder pole vaulter, the guy who likes to have sex with women on quaaludes but he's old, the falsely accused, recently exonerated rapist who becomes a rapist, the woman who can't use Google to look up what an admissions officer looks like...

Secondly, I don't like the message and the implication that the legal proceedings must always include some sort of apologist quest to ameliorate things for the perps.

Thought we were all about the victims?

Ain't No Party Like An SVU Party:

Since I no longer make it a point to watch when the show airs, I allowed myself to get really happy at happy hour and I was in bed by eight.

The remnants of today's cold brew.


"Everything will not be okay. That ship sailed once Jack stopped breathing."

"For God's sakes, don't you get it?"
The whole exchange with Mrs. Turner reminded me of Benson and Pippa (which occurred one year ago in the episode Collateral Damages which is one of the best SVU episodes ever written and aired, but I think I might have mentioned something along these lines already). Yes, Rollins, I know, you wanna shake some sense into the mother and I also know the scene was intended to show how abusers isolate and manipulate their victims but I lost sympathy for Helen very early in the episode.

"Where are we with these bang brothers?"
"Bash brothers, like McGuire and Canseco."
"Naw, like Reed and Portman....Mighty Ducks II?"
OMB's look is priceless but do we have to portray her as totally out of touch? Echoes of her convo with Fin in Intimidation Game. So I guess the Mighty Ducks trilogy is not appearing in Noah's Netflix queue?

"It couldn't have been a Whitecap."
Oh, puh-lease, Coach.

"This wasn't a couple of kids playing grab ass. We need answers."
I appreciate the resolve, OMB, but "grab ass" is the understatement of the century.


Benson in the burgundy leather trench YES PLEASE, Mama keeps KILLING IT with the outerwear. I'm still wondering how she affords all those duds on on her NYPD salary but I forgot, S18 protocol is for me to not worry about the characters' personal lives which would, of course, include finances. Okie dokie, moving on.

Fic Writers Could Fill In The Blanks With:

Put on some jazz, burn one, and engage your imaginations, writers, because this episode offered nothing to latch onto unless you ship Rollisi and you want to explore the plate-glass window thing as Carisi cooks dinner at the Rollins apartment for the 1000th time.

Is It Next Wednesday Yet?

It is. Then another break which, I am sorry to say, does not upset me all that much.

Alright, production crew, you're on the clock. Double check those time stamps.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Quick Recap:

After an argument with Daddy, Luke Ubers home and hears desperate-sounding whimpers echoing through the house. We all know the sounds are coming from his mother, because, you know, Motherly Love (which is a creepy title, by the wayand also the episode description. Grabs rifle. Goes to kitchen. Mom cries rape. Luke fires. Hello, Detective Perry. Do come back, sir. But keep your hands off OMB. She's reserved for Tucker (for real, I'll get over this soon, bear with me, people).

Season 18 hasn't exactly given me reason to be optimistic, but the writers brought their A- game with this one and the episode was beautifully shot. Well done, Mariska Hargitay! But that's not surprise. She can do no wrong in my book.

Anyway, the case began unfolding rather predictably and I was rolling my eyes and frowning and pouring more wine because of course the mom is the predator. Right? Right. At 9:22 p.m. I had the case solved, or so I thought. Proof:

So I was pleasantly surprised when Julie started weaving us a tale of multiple sexual assaults, narcissistic personality disorder, a father who threw his son to the wolves, well, wolf, and Dr. Psychopath Keller meeting her match in Lieutenant Olivia Margaret Benson. I say "Julie" even though you-know-who was credited as a writer, but I concluded he was responsible only for Trey Franklin's lines.

However, the trial becomes trickier for Barba and the squad than originally planned because, remember, we're dealing with a psychopath here, and, again, I leveled an inaccurate prediction:

In the end I suppose justice was served with the guilty verdicts except that Luke Keller needs to be immediately delivered to Doctor Lindstrom and stay on his couch for the better part of the rest of his life but, then again, why in the hell would he trust another shrink? Or his father? Who is also a psychiatrist? Daddy Keller ticking off the list of warning signs was one of the few things in the ep that made me raise my eyebrows. Seemed like worthless dialogue to me, but maybe not considering he mentioned a manipulated custody hearing, but Luke is a teenager and could've escaped Mommy Dearest, but then again she's been toying with his psyche for a long ass time. Alright, I'll let Dad off the hook.

This episode was, appropriately so, a Benson showcase--her empathy with victims, her skills in the interrogation room, her ability to read people, and her growing comfort with being in charge. #BadassBenson showed up in this one, and I hope we get more of that as the season continues. 


Who else said, "Oh give me a fucking break, another troubled black kid," when Nicole Keller was describing Trey? Because I did. Because that plot line's never been used on SVU before.

It only took one round of crocodile tears for me to absolve Luke of any crime, but Aaron Sanders, hats off to you for perfectly capturing the kid's anguish and confusion as well as the journey from devoted to devastated son.

Manor Hill Academy? See Season 14 "Lessons Learned" and it was there where the detectives meet Ethan who turns out to be another Dr. Keller victim and did anyone else think the school was going to somehow be involved given its history with shielding sexual predators?

Love, love, love, love the camera angles in the courtroom as the testimony stuck pretty much to what was planned and then veered off course thanks to an unctuous Buchanan and the accused recognizing that the jury was simply not buying defense attempt #1 (semen on a towel where the mom said the "attacker" wasn't is a teeeeeeeny bit incriminating).

THANK YOU Madame Director for getting the camera to mimic the tangled, chaotic testimony, cutting from character to character, without the audience feeling whipped about in a frenzy, and I cannot stress enough how much I did not miss the shots of the detectives sighing helplessly in the gallery that previous S18 directors seem to looooooove.

The tug of war between Benson and the rapist was priceless. I really felt like OMB was in a groove in this ep and she looked GORGEOUS even though she's going through a tough breakup (passive aggressive dig intended) in addition to wondering what the hell she got herself into with this whole being a mother thing.

PERFECTO on the shot of Benson and Luke from the front of the sedan. Quintessential Benson victim counseling scene. Beautiful.

"I just want to be with my boy." Did you say "boys?" As in Noah and Tucker? Okay, okay, okay, I know she didn't say it and this is getting old but not having #Tuckson in my life has been devastating.

Don't tell me that as Benson looked around Judge Barth's courtroom that she wasn't thinking about the day Johnny D initiated his own suicide-by-cop. That was also the first episode in which Tucker called Benson "Olivia."

Okay, I'll stop.

Ain't No Party Like An #SVU Party:

$9.99 bottle of Cabernet. Candle by World Market. Indonesian Teak.


"Not interested in your psychobabble but thank you so much for sharing." 
#Barba Sass
Doc Keller is pissssssed; she can't seem to get a leg up on these people

"Hard to give up on your mother no matter how sick she may be."
R.I.P. Serena (P.S. GASP some degree of continuity, albeit subtle)

"That is deeper than lying, man. That is pathological."
When even Lieutenant OMB is astonished, then you know we're really dealing with a sicko.

"Definitely more wrong here than dirty socks."
Ya think?

"Excuse me? Mr. Barba?"
I have a special place in my heart for Carmen, and that actor sure is lucky that she only needs to remember those lines.


Typically I'm drooling all over Benson's smart blazers and blouses, but AMANDA FREAKING ROLLINS with the leather blazer and the sa-weet trench wins the night.

White blazer. Odd season for it, but who am I to judge?

Fic Writers Could Fill In The Blanks With:

I said I'd stop.

But seriously...Detective Perry could get a little love on if ya'll are bored fixing #Tuckson.

Ok, I lied.

Is It Next Wednesday, Yet?

OMG, consecutive SVU eps! Wowser!

I would like to remind everyone that we are coming up on a year since the ARM GRAB on Valentine's Day and also the lurid demise of Hank Abraham, but whatever.

Once upon a time, September 6, 2016 to be exact, RE said he wasn't entering his new role with a plan to completely change the show. We all know that was a lie; however, we are getting almost halfway through the season, or at least we'll be there by the next break (don't even get me started on BREAKS. Do people at NBC or whoever makes those decisions sit around plotting how badly they can jerk around one of their most successful shows just to test its breaking point?)

Anyway....Barba's secret. I'm looking forward to the reveal and I'm sure it's more than his middle name, BUT given that RE seems intent on demolishing everything my beloved best friend in the world Warren Leight built (I may be exaggerating a tad on the label), I'm worried his #SVU days are numbered. Will Carisi step into that role? Perhaps Detective Perry joining the squad? His lines...something about him seemed to indicate he would have a recurring presence but I'm too lazy to IMDB it. I'll leave that to the allthingslawandorder lady.

PAGING CHIEF DODDS! I swear I saw a Julie Martin tweet something along the lines of "things need to be said" between Dodds and Benson, so, uh, (subtle hand raise), when's that going to happen? 

Hockey, anyone?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

18-Point-Whatever: Nothing Ever Changes

The Case in 189 Words:

Sarah Morrissey is tending bar at a party hosted by Lawrence Hendricks, Senior, head honcho of Avalon Stores. Creepy Grandpa gives awkward Grandson Eric some “advice” about picking up women, and instead of going for one of the guests, Eric opts for Sarah. They drink some fancy, exclusive tequila and the next thing we know Sarah wakes up, dazed and confused with her shirt unbuttoned and her pants down. She hightails it out of there, goes to SVU, reports the rape, we learn Fin is “studying” for the Sergeant’s exam, and the detectives start investigating. Since the writers left absolutely nothing to suspense, we learn two related men raped Sarah, someone drugged her, Grandpa has a long history of sexual abuse, Eric has been shielded from the knowledge that his grandfather was a sexual predator, Grandpa and daughter collude to fake mental illness, LH, J.. spills the family secrets to his son, Sarah sets up Lawrence in a sting, Benson lies to flip Sue Ann, Eric testifies, Hendricks, Senior is convicted of rape, Benson comforts Sarah, and we end up back at SVU where Carisi fields yet another call.

My Thoughts in Unlimited Words

The suspense ended at Quaaludes. I didn't have to Google that pill but only because some character in a book I once read was addicted to them, but anyway, I knew those were old school and of course Eric didn't use them to drug Sarah. I mean, yeah, the kid lacked confidence, but surely there was more to the story than him drugging Sarah, raping her, and his family trying to cover it up. Too simple.

Wait. It kinda did go down like that, didn't it? Only with a different perp.

I don't know how a showrunner or whoever decides which scripts end up being episodes, but SURELY THERE WAS A BETTER OPTION? There weren't even any interesting gray areas in this one--it was pretty cut and dry. A drugged and/or intoxicated person cannot give consent. It's a no-no to drug someone. Wealthy rich men often have a sense of entitlement which leads to offensive (at best) or criminal (at worst) behavior. The mental incompetency "twist" wasn't convincing, I. Am. So. Bored.

Hey! Eps like these are great for marathons because they involve zero continuity and absolutely no required watching of previous episodes to understand. Very 1.0. Stop this Rick Eid train, I wanna get off! Wait...I'll just jump.

And I promise I'll let this #Tuckson break up bitterness go eventually (I'm lying), but I suppose #Tuckson wasn't really even broken up in this ep because the scene card thingies are dated BEFORE Chasing Theo. Anyway, not that it matters, in Rick's world they all sleep at the precinct and talk only to each other.

And speaking of talking.........what a lame ass way to end the ep. I really hope that scene doesn't portend the rest of the season. I mean, I know it's a procedural and all, but one can only take so much of:

A) a rape is reported
B) SVU investigates
C) the victim is imperfect and the perp may or may not be very "perpish"
D) Court
E) Camera on the squad whose expressions alternate between horrified and heartbroken
F) Verdict
G) No #Tuckson (I SAID "EVENTUALLY")

Style Guide

Olivia Margaret Benson in a leather blazer is life.

Fic Writers Could Fill in the Blanks With:

I'm not sure I care anymore, but keep that #Tuckson ship, sailing, y'all!

Ain't No Party Like An SVU Watch Party



"I'll save you a Q-Tip. I had sex with that girl."
Ewwwwwwwwwww. That's enough.

Is It Next Wednesday, Yet?

399/400 coming up next

i think