The #42Minutes
Carisi’s niece Mia accuses classmate Ethan of raping her in
a dorm room at the much-maligned Hudson University which, btw, is desperately
in need of some positive press. Ethan is found responsible but, big whoop, is
suspended for a year but it is kind of a big whoop for Ethan because he’s kinda
screwed higher-education wise especially since he actually didn’t do it but
then he did do it so back to the courtroom we go. Carisi is torn between family
and being a cop and even though Benson gave him a very stern “don’t screw up”
he screws up but Stone makes Ethan incriminate himself on the stand so that’s
two weeks in a row someone’s had a courtroom outburst only this time the rapist
is found guilty. Stone's 1 for 1 but, arguably, we could count last week as a win, too.
This week in Carisi WTF faces...with Heller making an appearance because she's the embodiment of WTF. |
Jury of One:
I’ve spent the whole damn day trying to figure out whether
or not the story was too Eidified for me. Mia lied at first and
“creates” a rapist who comes back and actually rapes her…on one hand a case
like this was necessary for Stone to truly be baptized into the world of sex
crimes and "imperfect victims," but on the other hand the lie resulting in revenge rape sorta rubbed me the wrong way but on the other hand there was no "she deserved it" undertones and on the other hand (yes I know this is four hands), the reality is, many situations like this one, in the hands of callow college kids quickly spiral out of control.
When your kid's photograph is the same size as your laptop screen... |
Enraged Carisi has never been appealing to me; it doesn't suit is character and it doesn't align with Scanavino's strengths. The outrage at the beginning in the coffee shop was painfully contrived and the ceaseless zooms made the histrionics even more histrionc-y.
Stone's mission to ingratiate himself with the squad remains cumbersome and awkward, so it felt odd to have him transition from unproven outsider to "good prosecutor" to soulful, searching idealist, to mojo-tastic courtroom maestro.
Please like me, guys... |
The episode fell flat and I'm more than a little bummed about that. Maybe it was because Mia hadn't really "existed" on the show before this? Maybe because Stone's presence is clouding everything for me?
...Maybe I need to stop obsessing over this damn show?
"My client's an idiot, he's no rapist." Please invite Heller back anytime."Nobody implies the crime was somehow her fault..." My favorite part of Benson schooling Stone know he hasn't done sex crimes before but shouldn't he know this?
"We're not gonna say anything about what happened the first time." Carisiiiiiiiiii. Everyone was so quick to forgive him but he seriously fucked up and I can't believe after inserting himself into the investigation he let Mia handle the apology on her own. The Sonny I know would have arranged a sit down and been present for it.
"I think he should go back to Chicago." I'm not arguing, Rollins. |
I KNOW OMB has worn that brown and black jacket before and it's hell to want to find it and not have time to scrub though the past few seasons. I'm almost positive it was early 17 but if someone can locate it, thanks, because it's realllllllly bothering me and I would hate to have to take a personal day to do it but then again it's supposed to rain this weekend.Tracking Tucker
Surely Cabot's return will include catch-up girl talk and we'll at least get a mention. I'm sinking into ship despondency. Someone help.(But OMB couldn't stay for dinner with Stone cuz she had plans with Ed. So there.)
Is It Next Wednesday, Yet?
I was on, like, my sixth drink by the time the promo aired so I don't really know what I'm looking forward to; however it is certainly NOT Barba and Stone bonding over booze.Don't know about y'all, but I thought I was in trouble when I watched her burst through the doors. |
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