Thursday, March 8, 2018

19.15 Uncle Dom Screwedupis

The #42Minutes

Carisi’s niece Mia accuses classmate Ethan of raping her in a dorm room at the much-maligned Hudson University which, btw, is desperately in need of some positive press. Ethan is found responsible but, big whoop, is suspended for a year but it is kind of a big whoop for Ethan because he’s kinda screwed higher-education wise especially since he actually didn’t do it but then he did do it so back to the courtroom we go. Carisi is torn between family and being a cop and even though Benson gave him a very stern “don’t screw up” he screws up but Stone makes Ethan incriminate himself on the stand so that’s two weeks in a row someone’s had a courtroom outburst only this time the rapist is found guilty. Stone's 1 for 1 but, arguably, we could count last week as a win, too.

This week in Carisi WTF faces...with Heller making an appearance because she's the embodiment of WTF.

 Jury of One: 

I’ve spent the whole damn day trying to figure out whether or not the story was too Eidified for me. Mia lied at first and “creates” a rapist who comes back and actually rapes her…on one hand a case like this was necessary for Stone to truly be baptized into the world of sex crimes and "imperfect victims," but on the other hand the lie resulting in revenge rape sorta rubbed me the wrong way but on the other hand there was no "she deserved it" undertones and on the other hand (yes I know this is four hands), the reality is, many situations like this one, in the hands of callow college kids quickly spiral out of control.

When your kid's photograph is the same size as your laptop screen...
Enraged Carisi has never been appealing to me; it doesn't suit is character and it doesn't align with Scanavino's strengths. The outrage at the beginning in the coffee shop was painfully contrived and the ceaseless zooms made the histrionics even more histrionc-y.

Stone's mission to ingratiate himself with the squad remains cumbersome and awkward, so it felt odd to have him transition from unproven outsider to "good prosecutor" to soulful, searching idealist, to mojo-tastic courtroom maestro. 

Please like me, guys...
I may have overreacted a bit at the last scene with Benson and Stone (or maybe I'm talking myself into thinking that I overreacted). When I watched it again it didn't seem flirty and was more a like a glaring BARBA IS GONE reminder because, well, Stone's name is on the closed door and since when did that office see anyone in play clothes? I'm not here for Benson-as-Cougar, I am here for a mentor-mentee relationship so please tell me that's where this is headed. Maybe it's the bangs, but they have Mariska clearly looking older and more...motherly...and they have zero chemistry together (so I said last week, I'm really hoping that's intentional). But, but, but...there are too many possibilities dangling out there--baseball (OMB can get her own tickets, thank you very much and also Noah likes the Yankees), Stone's troubled relationship with his late father, his willingness to learn and drink, and, well, he's cute.

The episode fell flat and I'm more than a little bummed about that. Maybe it was because Mia hadn't really "existed" on the show before this? Maybe because Stone's presence is clouding everything for me?

...Maybe I need to stop obsessing over this damn show?


"My client's an idiot, he's no rapist." Please invite Heller back anytime. 

"Nobody implies the crime was somehow her fault..." My favorite part of Benson schooling Stone know he hasn't done sex crimes before but shouldn't he know this?

"We're not gonna say anything about what happened the first time." Carisiiiiiiiiii. Everyone was so quick to forgive him but he seriously fucked up and I can't believe after inserting himself into the investigation he let Mia handle the apology on her own. The Sonny I know would have arranged a sit down and been present for it. 

"I think he should go back to Chicago."
I'm not arguing, Rollins.


I KNOW OMB has worn that brown and black jacket before and it's hell to want to find it and not have time to scrub though the past few seasons. I'm almost positive it was early 17 but if someone can locate it, thanks, because it's realllllllly bothering me and I would hate to have to take a personal day to do it but then again it's supposed to rain this weekend.

Tracking Tucker

Surely Cabot's return will include catch-up girl talk and we'll at least get a mention. I'm sinking into ship despondency. Someone help.

(But OMB couldn't stay for dinner with Stone cuz she had plans with Ed. So there.)

Is It Next Wednesday, Yet?

I was on, like, my sixth drink by the time the promo aired so I don't really know what I'm looking forward to; however it is certainly NOT Barba and Stone bonding over booze.

Don't know about y'all, but I thought I was in trouble when I watched her burst through the doors.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

19.14--Justice for Cassidy

The #42Minutes

Whoops...we forgot to tell ya about him, Stone.
Cassidy's "epic tantrum" causes a mistrial and sets a child molester free. The situation sucks all around--a new trial will traumatize victims all over again, Stone wonders what the hell he got himself into, and plucky, well-connected Detective Holiday stands her ground when SVU tries to wrest the case from homicide after Dr. West is found stabbed to death in his home. Several people and God had a motive to kill the doctor, but Cassidy is PoI #1. Benson's pretty much the only one not sold on Cassidy' guilt but she keeps that to herself at first and directs the squad to investigate even though it's not their case anymore. Thanks to fish DNA (or something like that) they are able to narrow the suspect pool fairly easily and in the course of a follow up interview with a victim's family, Benson notices the smoking gun, er, smoking fidget spinner.

These things have been trouble from the get.

Jury of One

My aversion to all things Cassidy certainly is not a state secret and I still hate him; however, good for the writers for creating a more layered and nuanced backstory for the character. It was evident Brian has come to the realization that the trauma from his abuse has infected his entire existence and prevented him from actually loving the "love of his life." No, Cassidy never was and never will be good enough for Olivia, but at least now we know there's more substance to the man and his jackassery had a lot, if not everything, to do with the devastating and enduring effects of the abuse he suffered as a child. Unfortunately, Cassidy's nightmare wasn't ameliorated by his father beating the shit out of the baseball coach. 

This week in OMB WTF faces

I may be a cold-hearted bitch, but I'm still not letting him off the hook for a couple of things. First of all, dude, man the fuck up and deal with your mistake (and good job, Rollins for demanding he do this and, on a side note, why does she have the key? Oh wait, she was running point on the mission to help Liv harbor a murder suspect and also provide a home for her child--Noah, the real child, not Cassidy). How dare he ask Liv to help him? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it--the two of them have a deep connection and history and they trust each other (once again, I share Rollins' incredulity)--but that was typical fucking Cassidy and epitomizes everything I loathe about him.

(second gripe in Quotable)
Oh, oh, oh, Kudos to the writers for tying up all the Cassidy loose ends in a neat little knot...they did their homework and hit a home run.

LOL poor Stone...he must've aged ten years during this one case, good luck pal. And good luck to viewers...I really hope the awkwardness was intended. Maybe I have a Barba hangover, but he already seems to be an ill-fitting member of the team (fictional and nonfictional). However, I think I ship Stoliday.

I L. O. V.  E. how Rollins and Benson are being written. Cassidy was absolutely spot-on with his skeletons-in-the-closet comment, but Amanda has proven herself and Liv has cut her some slack. After all, OMB hasn't exactly been a rigid adherent to policies and procedures either. Good for Rollins for simultaneously standing her ground with the boss and being loyal and also for verbally smacking Cassidy into reality.

Oh, Noah...

Damn observant kids...


"It's a little early in the morning for stick up your ass." The teased tension between Holiday and the squad did not disappoint. I hope this isn't the last we see of her. Could be an interesting arc--another new member with a powerful father? Then again if Mr. Holiday is anything like Dodds, never mind.

"I wear them to clean my toilet."
Burrrrrrrrrnnnnnn. But here are some frozen veggies for your head. Seriously, though...she kept the sweats? Also...that apartment sure as hell expanded in the past few years. Bri musta been amazed. 

"We're the ones who botched the trial." Come. On. Olivia. The Lieutenant was really starting to annoy me in the middle of this episode because  she was on the questionable side of rationality a couple of times. I don't often get frustrated with her, but when I do it's usually because her gigantic heart smothers her brain. She stuck her neck way, way out for this prick without knowing what we all sort of guessed. For the record, Tucker would've never asked her to do that. In fact, he demanded the opposite.

"...You were never gonna bare your soul to me..." And Liv is supposed to feel guilty about this? You can't accept this yet you also couldn't bare your soul to her? 
"I was trying to explain to Morrison what happened between you and I..." More like you were trying to explain it to yourself, dude. YOU TOLD A STRANGER ABOUT LEWIS AND DIDN'T THINK THAT WOULD HAVE ANY CONSEQUENCES? Unforgivable. Sorry.


Hell of a way to spend Valentine's Day.

Tracking Tucker

I need him in bed with her. It would've been so great if Tucker met Cassidy at the door with a gun.

Also this reminded me of Dr. Keppler and Lead and Tucker was in that episode.

That is all.

Head Scratchers:

What will arise from Stone's "something came up" comment and Carisi's closed dry cleaners???

Is It Next Wednesday Yet?

Puh-lease let this be the last of Cassidy. For his sake, disclosing to Stone, maybe, was a tiny step forward. I hope he finds peace, but Olivia has moved on. I haaaate that she was left in the dark because I feel like it leaves a door open for him to return, and I can't decide how OMB would have reacted if he'd revealed that deep, dark secret to her. Maybe Cassidy was being considerate and saving her from having another person to save...or maybe he saw no upside to telling her.

Surely he'll have to find a new job. I can he possibly have any more credibility in the courtroom? Oh! Also! I was irked by him telling Liv he was begging Stone for his job when he was really pleading for Reggie's fate. Anyone with a quarter of a heart and a modicum of common sense would agree Reggie deserved the lighter hand of the law. 

Anyway...I hope the message to Dean Winters was dig deep and go all in because this is your SVU swan song. He gave an impassioned performance and displayed a range I didn't realize he had. Well done, Dean, but...Bye.

This was beautiful and perfect. Olivia expecting to see him still there...but no. For once her being alone didn't tug at my heartstrings. She's better off without him.

I am soooooo excited for Carisi drama I'm almost willing to skip the weekend.