The #42Minutes:
After some astute stalking, er, checking of jazz websites, Fin discovers a post from a man he suspects is a rapist who has eluded capture for six years, so the not-yet-sergeant heads down to Cuba, kidnaps Byron Marks, and triumphantly escorts the perp back to NYC and into the 16th Precinct. Skepticism abounds, but, hey! The ends justify the means, right?
Errrr. Not exactly. At least not at first.
Initially, three of the three victims refuse to cooperate, but one eventually comes forward and agrees to testify. However, the case quickly spirals out of control. Was the arrest illegal? Was international law violated? Does Cuba have the right and the will to exploit the tense political relationship with the U.S. (veiled middle finger to Trump?) and bring this guy back to their country?
Turns out, it's all good. Benson's a little ticked because, after all, any malfeasance ultimately muddies her reputation which Fin doesn't quite seem to comprehend.
Before trial, Marks is released. Barba predicts he'll flee. He does.Via a diner bathroom (shocker) and in a "Where's Doctor Rudnick?-esque" moment of panic, the squad locks down the city while Benson frantically tries to get in touch with Karla, a woman Marks raped and a woman who probably would've blown the motherfucker's brains out if Benson hadn't shown up in the nick of time.
Marx's wife still poses a trial problem though, because as Rollins said, Marks is charming and his spouse is resolutely in his corner.
Until Benson takes Karla's statement.
With the wife in the room.
See ya in double digits starting with a two, Byron.
While this plays out, Noah's teacher notices a bruise on his arm and he tells the adults his mom did it which is true but as OMB so gently reminds him before bed one night it's sometimes helpful to tell the whole story especially when it involves potential scrutiny by social workers and we all know how much fun Benson had with the last one.
Rambling Reactions
Dear police officers everywhere,
How in the hell do you not unload and knock the lights out of someone like this smug asshole?

"You done?"
After Marks lawyers up it's time to re-interview the women he attacked and the three, Joyce, Keisha, and Karla represent a heart-wrenching cross-section of six-year-later survivors. One is irrevocably crushed; another refuses to allow Marks to steal any more precious time.
So the detectives take a crack at Karla who (the writing implies) was, pre-assault, probably a tenacious, independent young woman with a disposition not unlike OMB's, but the rape cast doubt on the reliability of her innate qualities and ironically she eventually found comfort by marrying a domineering spouse--the oafish, sweaty, beer-swilling Frank who is quickly tossed in the "screw 'im" pile when Karla decides she wants to nail the sonofabitch.
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"I love you." |
What kid hasn't said something like "I want Lucy to be my Mommy?" Shit, that line's tame compared to some of the vitriol I spewed my mother's way during my formative years (for which I am eternally remorseful, btw). OMB seemed genuinely nonplussed. Sorry, dude, you're stuck. Ahhhhhhhbviously Benoah is strong⇒⇒
Can't wait for #SVU29 when Noah's a teenager!
Nevertheless...warning signals abound. Noah talks about Lucy at school and not about Mommy other than the tiny little detail about it being her fingerprints striped across his arm. OMB effectively hangs up on whoever was calling from the school. Letting go of Noah in order to answer the phone...something parents do all the time, right? But these little things add up and will be magnified and scrutinized. Noah's getting older. Parenting is more compli--rather, more layered? Hectic? Fast-paced? Hell, OMB can't even keep strawberry ice cream and syrup in the house. Shit's getting serious.
TV doesn't make me cry, but TV came close when a frazzled OMB spills her coffee and ROLLINS TO THE RESCUE. Amanda has your back, Liv! I love it! I would also love Fin saying "fuck it" to the promotion and Rollins taking the exam and then they're BFFs and also #BFBadasses. Pretty, pretty please Mr. Noochy? I've made many intriguing yet sincere promises in exchange for fulfilled requests....Oh. That sounded bad.
For a second though I forgot Mr. Noochy was in charge. Wouldn't it have been so Eid-y to have OMB say something like "I don't know what's going on...considering his DNA...who knows what he's thinking." ???????
Thank gawwd those days are over.
Oh, almost forgot, backing up a bit to the unconvinced Mrs. Smiley. When she asked about Noah's father and said she was sorry to hear he was deceased? Give Mariska a fucking Emmy and a Presidential Medal of Freedom and another Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame just for this expression:
And, yeah, @Noochone, I can barely write child abuse and OMB in the same sentence...I woulda thrown a hell of a lot more at the TV in addition to the shoe but my husband woulda fucking killed me. He's already mad that I shushed him as soon as I heard the words "In the criminal justice system..."
*eye roll
You would think he would know better by now.
After Cassidy left I'm pretty sure OMB put Noah to bed and called Tucker.
On the not-so-positive side...
I'm ambivalent about whether or not Fin would actually do what he did...take it upon himself to track a perp down in Cuba. He's a pusher....remember?
At times, there was glaring awkwardness when Benoah was together, particularly in the strawberry ice cream scene. I think it's OMB is still trying to figure out this mothering thing and overthinking...or maybe she's significantly less self-assured in that role than she is as Lieutenant.
Also, ummm, OMB...helllo? You don't remember your kid almost getting killed?
Despite my vehement objections to the new Noah, I must admit Ryan did a good job being almost five.
Counting breadcrumbs...KARLA I WANNA HUG YOU (but I'm sure the OMB hug was better).
Barba and Dworkin going all highbrow law-school in their verbal tȇte-a-tȇtes. I couldn't keep up. Damn. I'm still dizzy.
Rafael. Yes, OMB, you and me both were floored that you told Karla to point a loaded gun at you. That was weird. A tense, powerful scene...but damn you're gonna risk your life for Marks? It's not like Karla would've received less prison time for killing a cop instead of a rapist.
I'm the one who asks the questions. Along with everything else Mariska Hargitay said. Damn. We all know she's good, but this #42Minutes showcased her range. The toggling back and forth between Mommy and Lieutenant could have been a gigantic clusterfuck but she poured her heart and soul into this one and the result was an excruciatingly wonderful display of compassion and empathy, confidence and experience, anguish and incredulity, skepticism and remorse, invincibility and pissed-offness...because who in their right fucking mind would accuse Olivia Benson of harming a child?
Patterned blouse! White blazer! Octopus PJs! Cuban Casual Fin!And I give an A+++++++++++ for OMB's hair. I spent all morning trying to replicate that but it's humid as fuck here and also I'm not her.
But can we not comb Ryan's/Noah's hair to the side like it was in the last scene? Nerd.
Is it Next Wednesday Yet?
So...the grueling slog through the Chernuchinwoods begins. Liv operates with a certain degree of (deserved) entitlement, but the professional courtesy she's used to doesn't apply to parenthood. Big sigh. Deep breath. I can't stop watching now.Another thing I can't believe as I'm typing these words is what I'm about to type Dear God and a certain friend of mine please forgive me, but OMB having to prove herself in uncharted waters? I think I'm here for it even though this means enduring the torture of Benson parrying blows from the wrong side of the interrogation I better be prepared for Thursday morning wine hangovers.
What other incriminating evidence will the investigation exhume? How can one bruise and a miscommunication on the part of a preschooler erupt into...THIS?
A season-long fight to maintain custody makes me cringe. I hate to repeat sentiments from my last post, but constantly knocking Benson to the ground will get old quickly no matter how much we like to see her fight back.
Shaking up her world...not obliterating it...right Mike?
I do wonder if Brooke Shields is the new Child Services czar harboring a vendetta because of what happened in Institutional Fail...when they were told to back off but didn't?
I cannot wait to see Benson unleash her fury and direct it at Cassidy and I hope he tries to finesse her a little and wants to have that coffee and Benson mentions they really shouldn't since he's investigating her and all and he snidely says something about Tucker and she swipes back in Ed's defense. (FYI...Tucker appears in all blog posts)
Nooch.1 was a pleasant surprise...a mix of personal and professional (see you Eidiot it can be done)...and dare I say...maybe, almost, never mind, I'm not gonna say it...ok, I will...I thought there was a teeny tiny bit too much Noah...
I have pep in my step today...
It might be...