The Case in 185 Words:
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Wannabe |
Ellis Griffin arrives at Mom and Dad’s home with an expensive bottle of wine and news that he’s been promoted to fixed income trader at Goldman Sachs. Congrats, brother. So, he heads off to a Halloween party where he spends time on the sidelines but eventually pursues the sister of the girl he dated (once—does that qualify as dating?). We go from “it’s hot in here” to a British witness accusing Ellis of rape and he’s taken to SVU where a bespectacled Benson is all like “Damn, if I woulda left three minutes earlier I’d be heading home to cuddle with Ed and now I’m here. Fuck.” In the meantime, the rape’s going viral and for extra fun the rapist’s dad is the OP—original partner who also covered OMB’s rookie ass three decades or whatever or so ago. Obviously she must simply advise Ellis to stop having sex with unconscious women and send him on his way. Nope. The squad pursues the case. Deal. No deal. Trial. Barba rips apart a fake witness and Judge Barth ships Ellis to prison for twenty-four months.
My Thoughts In Unlimited Words:
Per the Uzh, we'll start with the serious and move to the playful, shall we?
Disclaimer: I am suspicious of all men except for Ed Tucker so Ellis rubbed me the wrong way (ewww) from the get-go even though everyone knew he was the Brock Turner but his smarminess at the party made my skin crawl and my husband made the unfortunate mistake of touching me on his way from the kitchen to the room where I stow him on SVU nights and I seriously took a swipe at him. No joke. He thought it was flirty and I'll allow him to keep thinking that.
My issue numero uno: I was confused at first (and, no, I hadn't even been drinking..much) because, unless this dude is the Doogie Howser of finance, I was pretty sure he was an ADULT and how in the hell can Dad shut down the interview but, ok, he's a cop, and I get that part, but, STILLLLL.
Instead of getting all pissed off and throwing shade all over Twitter I realized that the writers are really telling it like it is and COPS DO THIS SHIT. In my job I DO THIS (albeit, my professional courtesies are more along the lines of I let somebody skip ahead in the lunch line. Shhhh).
Thank God, Allah, Jehovah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (yes, this is a thing, see the November issue of The Atlantic) and everything else and fate and luck that I've never been a victim of sexual assault, but the one person I knew who HAD been a victim DID NOT want to relive it, testify, see the guy, NOTHING. So, I didn't really see anything wrong with the first plea deal. HOWEVER, the way it played out seemed like OMB was pushing for a plea deal and that's not the only moment I thought was a little rushed and perhaps not very well thought out and I hate to type that about people like JM and BY because I love them and want to be them when I grow up. Once again, we have a murky case and I suspect that thread won't go away this season but the murkiness opens the door for clarity and learning and I'm wondering how many men my age were watching the show or women my age were watching the show and reminiscing about college days and wide-eyed thinking.............well, I know I was. I'm not sure that, fifteen years ago when I was in college, many people would've batted an eye at this rape or the Brock Turner rape. And I'm almost drawing blood biting my lip while I'm typing this because I hate living in a world where we have to teach teenagers these things but I also hate living in a world where when these assaults happen they go unreported and untreated.
Also, sometimes the Internet sucks.
I would like to extend and honest thank-you to the writers for not inserting some contrived parallel Noah storyline because the dialogue certainly lent itself to that...."our only son" and "save my son, now matter what, no matter how" and OMB not knowing Patrick had a son in the first place I was waiting for a comeback, such as, "and I didn't know you had one." BTW-anyone catch any new office photos? I forgot to look. And as much as I miss my Noey, I HATE the contrived case-personal life parallels and, yes, I know I'm getting picky and I can't have it all, and I should just go write my own show but I kind of do, see MarigoldMusings on FanFiction.
Anywho, OMB is NOT in a "romantic relationship" with Lucy as far as I know, so Dear Julie Martin and Brianna Yellen WTF couldn't you have her do the whole Siri thing with TUCKER????? GAWWWD. Remember cassette tapes? And kind of how you'd wear them out if you played the same song and rewound it to play it over and over. Goddamn I'm glad You Tube and Hulu don't have a glitch like that FFS. #TUCKSON
I don't know how defense attorneys (real or imagined) can sleep at night. "Not too anxious I hope?" I hissed at that line. Seriously. I hissed.
I cannot be the only one who was waiting for OMB to agonizingly reveal she and Griffin had slept together. The tone of her voice, the innuendo, all signs pointed to a little bit of mixing work with pleasure or even, gasp, payback for lying to IAB for OMB, but as it turns out, Patrick was only a contemptible human being when it came to his son. Also, IAB was mentioned way too much and I am certain that is intentional, passive, subtle, #Tuckson torture and I will submit a formal indictment first thing Monday morning.
Style Guide
Leather trench.
Leather cropped jacket.
Purple suede blazer that I would risk foreclosure for.
You people are killing me.
But why the Sergeant's badge on OMB? Just looked better against the Hargileather backdrop? Yeah, I thought so, too.
Fic Writers Could Fill In The Blanks With:
This is getting redundant.
#Tuckson Complications
But, ya know what, I want some Rollins-Benson moments. Nice ones. Not the ones where one of 'em is going rogue and the other one gets pissed.
Ain't No Party Like An SVU Watch Party
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Last of this Pumpkin crap. I bet Tucker hates this gimmicky bullshit. |
It's not great to have sex like that by the garbage. Ellis, I hate you.
Ellis made a rookie mistake. When will Twitter create the ability to digitally/virtually punch someone in the eye?
His first mistake was humping a passed out girl. Amen, Gramps.
It's complicated. But there was a little grin. A little one. Right? Right? I'm dying here, OMB.
I'll allow, witness will answer.
I think you already did, son.
Also, have I mentioned IAB was mentioned too much for comfort? I can't remember, I'm finishing the pumpkin ale as I type.
Is it Next Wednesday Yet?
Well, yet another Tucker mention with no Tucker and no context and I'm really losing my patience with this relationship because I thought we could never be happier and now we're complicated and I KNOW we're endgame, but I need a status update, a serious one, not just a throwaway mention like we got in this ep and BOBBY BURKE are you on vacay or something?
Okay, okay, calm down, my prediction/assumption is that OMB and Tucker are just having trouble because of his new job and her redonk busy job and OMB's gonna have a breakdown about wanting to be good at everything and Tucker's gonna just say, "you know what, Olivia Margaret Benson, let's take care of one uncertainty right now" and whip out a ring and propose and there'll be tears but also #Tuckson end game reality and we can go back to fighting sex crimes.
MH did exceptional work in this ep. Her expressions were pained and layered and so raw and real. I think we saw her grow up and turn a corner in this episode; she put a long buried skeleton behind her. And there's a difference between burying something and truly making it a part of the past.
Griffin stubbed out a smoke on the courthouse steps there at the end. Anyone else notice that? Anyone else think about the ELBOW GRAB?
Ok, let's prep for another no-Tucker week, actually, a no-Tucker two weeks with a real election and a fake election mixed in.
Oh goodie.
"No charge."
Rape Kits Are Free.