The #42 Minutes
While out with another potential "distraction," a woman confronts Peter Stone (who has been granted Most Favored Character status) and accuses him of rape. Steadfast in his claims of innocence, Stone instructs Benson and SVU to investigate. It's looking bad for Stone until Benson figures out it haaaad to be the Met not the Cub who raped Sarah while she was falling down drunk because...Peter wouldn't do that? While the pieces are falling into place, Gary takes Stone hostage but the HNT duo of Sarah and Emma Kent save the day and Stone disarms Gary off-screen. The Lieutenant pretends to be a good 'ole boy and gets Reggie (the Met) to essentially admit he did it then she goes to meet Stone who is gazing soulfully at New Jersey and probably wondering what else from his drunken MLB days he doesn't remember.
In other news, Rollins may or may not move in with Al and Carisi's jealous. Riveting.
List of things wrong with this episode:
1. What is it with people conveniently bumping into Stone? An admirer at the hot dog cart, Sarah Kent (the victim and Bushwick wife and mom who shows up at one of Stone's favorite haunts), and Gary Kent at the pub...
2. The shadow case Stone was prosecuting in the first part of the episode being used to emphasize his guilt and if we needed more of that.
3. Doesn't Stone have an apartment? Why go to Fin's place?
4. Why is the entire squad all Peter's our friend we love him he couldn't have done this blah blah blah...I seem to remember a series-long MO of the squad typically being skeptical of new/outsider ADAs
5. Fin flashes his Sergeant's shield but says "Detective."
6. Why does Stone act all pissy about getting arrested? Certainly, given his job AND THE CASE HE WAS CURRENTLY WORKING, he knew this was a possibility if not a probability.
7. Sarah and Emma take the lead in hostage negotiation when Gary never asked for his wife or daughter but then again Benson Knows Best (insert eye roll) and Peter has a way with desperate, my-world-is-falling-apart men because he acts like he is one.
8. Also, Fin didn't help himself to any "treats"...I thought that was a thing now?
It's Family Day at HNT! |
"Way things are we're all looking at our pasts through a new prism." Fin and Carisi struggling with the accusation could have held some weight and been interesting if they clothed their skepticism in their own personal experiences rather than an almost sycophantic loyalty to Stone.
"What is that I was happy." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Best line of the night and it doesn't even matter.
"I'm gonna get ya a ginger ale. That steak's gonna give you indigestion." Poor Carisi. He's right about Al. He's also the only one who gives a damn about this stupid subplot.
"If you want someone to make this go away you came to the wrong person." Stone pressuring Benson to make it go away would have been more intriguing than a melodramatic whiny plea for an impartial investigation.
"I'm really getting sick of men who are not Tucker showing up at my door." |
Is It Next Thursday, Yet?
There's more color in Benson's world. Could that be a symbol of something? Midlife crisis? Recommended by a book written by a child psychologist suggesting the palette will soothe stubborn children?
I'm bummed. This season keeps getting worse. I don't know what it is...flimsy plots, OOC writing, lack of continuity from ep to ep and seasons past, emphasis on people who are not Olivia Benson...
When Gary had the gun pointed at Stone, I yelled "SHOOT HIM!"
I shouldn't be like that...
List of current SVU characters for whom I'm thankful from most to least:
1. Olivia Benson
2. Ed Tucker
3. Fin Tutuola
4. Sonny Carisi
5. Carmen
6. Officer Montero
7. Noah Benson
8. Jesse Rollins
9. Frannie Rollins
10. Amanda Rollins
Have a great holiday, y'all!