:It's a well written story but this chapter is why I dislike Tuckson. She's all I don't wanna be LT and he's I've told people you will so don't disappoint me - and she does! He's all man up, woman and she does and then months later he's on her back for manning up far too much - and she relents again. They're both so unrecognisable now. I hope this ship crashes into rocks, preferably very soon and with fatalities…
This review is why I don't like Guest Reviews. I cannot send a PM to this person to set her/him straight, so I have to use blog space to do it. Normally, I'd just ignore a review like this, but this person has clearly misinterpreted the show.
The review is in response to Truce, Chapter 8, which addressed Tuckson in Parents Nightmare and Surrendering Noah.
She's all I don't wanna be LT and he's I've told people you will so don't disappoint me - and she does!
The thing is, I really can't understand how ANYONE who has watched the show or has a clue about how ANY organization's hierarchy works would question Benson's actions here. Let's take Tuckson out of it and look at the scenario as plain old Lt. Tucker telling Sgt. Benson that she's going to lose her command if she doesn't move up in rank. So, you have Benson just getting comfortable in her leadership role but also trying to navigate life as a single mother. Sure, she'd be hesitant at first to take on the additional stress of preparing for the exam, but she really has no choice here. That scene was NOT about Tucker, it was about Benson basically avoiding a demotion.
He's all man up, woman and she does
I don't know what Guest Reviewer is made of, but I'm tellin' ya, if RJB/Ed Tucker tells me to man up, I'm doing it. Would you like for us to see OMB as some sort of asexual being with no capability to be attracted to someone? She could have gone to IAB, called Tucker, or asked him to come to the precinct; instead, she opted for a more social setting. I don't think that was an accident. The writers were dropping clues that there was something more personal in the works there and SHE chose the venue which means SHE was the assertive one in that instance.
and then months later he's on her back for manning up far too much - and she relents again.
I'm not sure which episode this is referring to. Community Policing? No. Townhouse? No. Collateral Damages? I don't think so. Manhattan Transfer? Maybe? But...HE TOLD HER TO STAY OUT OF IT. Unholiest Alliance? If the Guest's comment is about the wine scene at the end...Guest apparently didn't pick up on OMB's alarming reliance on late night imbibing AND the not-so-subtle fact that in UA she and Tucker were in bars, like, all the fucking time! If the writers have to spell out every little detail, each episode would be Gone With the Wind Length which even the most fervent Die Hard might find tedious. You'll have to wait for my Truce chapter addressing the scene and its aftermath, but I, for one, am glad she relented. It's better than having a scene with Noah sobbing his eyes out while Mommy is passed out on the couch surrounded by empty Chianti bottles.
They're both so unrecognisable now. I hope this ship crashes into rocks, preferably very soon and with fatalities…
Of course they're different. One would hope so. People grow and change according to circumstance and experience. We don't know much about Tucker, but both their core identities remain the same--just presented through a different lens. If Guest was a true fan of the show and of OMB, Guest would not wish for her happiness to crash into rocks.
I'm looking forward to S18 and seeing MH play these "new beats" as a more balanced, family-oriented OMB. Sure, that may entail some heartache and growing pains, but all signs point to #Tuckson as the new reality for her. Get on the ship or stay on shore, Guest. Also, if you're not into the pairing there's really no need to further upset your life by reading #Tuckson fic.